The questionnaire administered to tourists and same-day visitors includes 12 questions from the ETIS Toolkit and 9 questions drafted by the Research Group members to investigate further aspects of spending and travel motivations.
The sample size was calculated based on the flows recorded in the different destinations during the year 2018, identifying a sample of 600 units. The survey took place from May to September 2019 and led to the collection of 640 questionnaires, through face-to-face interviews in the points of greatest tourist flow: infopoints, beaches, museum spaces and municipal public spaces.
By way of example, below are some descriptive statistics regarding the destination of Cagliari. For further information on the results of the survey regarding all the indicators and destinations, please refer to the private area on the site, while some examples can be found in the Dashboard section.
In Cagliari 171 questionnaires were administered (26.27% of the total). The sample is composed of 61.40% tourists and 38.01% hikers, 48.54% Italians and 50.88% foreigners, mainly belonging to the 25-49 age group (43.27%) and 50-64 (35.09%). 51.46% of the sample is composed of men and 46.78% of women.
Most respondents have a diploma (33.33%) or university degree (47.37%). 57.89% are full time or part-time employees, while 16.96% are self-employed and 13.45% are retired; 9.36% are students. In 37.43% of the cases the income is between € 30,000 and € 60,000, while it is over € 60,000 for 25.15% of the sample and under € 30,000 for 18.71%.
Respondents made the trip mainly for holiday reasons (82.46%) and for visiting relatives and friends (14.62%) and 94.2% said they were satisfied with their experience in the destination.
As far as tourism spending is concerned, hikers mainly spent less than 25 € (33.8%) or between 25-50 € (52.3%); only 13.9% spent between 50 and 150 €. As far as tourists are concerned, the most frequent items of expenditure refer to accommodation (90.48%) with an average value of €683, catering (53.33%) with an average value of €157.16 and transport (66.67%) with an average value of €510.45.