The questionnaire administered to residents includes 8 questions from the ETIS Toolkit and 6 questions drafted by the Research Group members to investigate residents’ perception about tourism, their degree of involvement in tourism planning and the impact of visitors in their own place of residence.
The sample size was calculated based on the number of residents present in each municipality, identifying a sample of 600 separate units between men and women. The survey took place from May to December 2019 and led to the collection of 847 questionnaires, by carrying out face-to-face interviews on the beaches, in the municipal public spaces or by autonomously filling in the online questionnaire.
By way of example, below are some descriptive statistics regarding the destination of Cagliari. For further information on the results of the survey regarding all the indicators and destinations, please refer to the private area on the site, while some examples can be found in the Dashboard section.
In Cagliari 694 questionnaires were administered (81.94% of the total). The sample of residents of the capital is composed of 41.93% men and 57.93% women, mainly belonging to the 25-49 age group (44.96%). Most respondents have a high school diploma (46.25%) or university degree (41.79%); 53.75% are currently employed.
Residents interviewed say they are satisfied with tourism in their municipality of residence especially in summer (79.25%), followed by spring (62.53%), autumn (43.52%) and finally winter (23.92%).